Inclusion strategies for students from marginalized communities in higher-ed institutions

This session shares insights into providing education and supporting systems that ensure career success for students from marginalized communities; refugees, lower-income status and physical disabilities. The session leverages on Kepler's experience in educating students from refugees and less-privileged backgrounds to help higher-ed stakeholders identify systems to increase students' adaptability into campus culture. Participants will learn from Kepler’s Marginalized Community Education Framework tool to guide them in developing and implementing inclusion strategies in their institutions.

Ahead of the Education Collaborative 2022 Annual Convening, this speaker session kickstarts the conversation on improving employability outcomes. Employer engagement forms an integral part of higher-ed institutions' career strategy to […]

Annual Convening 2022

Ashesi University , Ghana

Join thought leaders in higher education at the Education Collaborative Annual Convening from June 13 - 17 to share insights on creating innovations for the sector. The 2022 Annual Convening will host a series […]

Research Communities of Practice Meetings

Speaker: Dr. Keren Naa Abeka Arthur This session engages participants on the concept, goals and activities of the Education Collaborative Research Community of Practice. The Research Community of Practice focuses […]

Workshop: Introducing Giving Voice to Values Africa

Facilitators: Rebecca Awuah, Faculty, Ashesi University; Rose Dodd, Director, Education Collaborative Synopsis: Are you interested in bringing Giving Voice to Values (GVV) to your school, university or organization but would […]