Initiatives and Engagements

Designed and hosted in collaboration with partner institutions , our initiatives seek depth in engagement and impact for participants.



Engagement-driven Impact

The Education Collaborative uses multiple initiatives and engagements to achieve our transformational goals by highlighting innovation and facilitating sharing and learning among educators, administrators, and industry all year round.

We spark discussion and interest to drive strategic actions in higher education teaching, learning, and administration. We utilize both virtual and in-person programming to ensure easy accessibility, broader reach, and deeper impact.

Our initiatives target long-term impact in five transformational goal areas:

  1. Ethics and leadership development in students
  2. Training students with relevant career readiness
  3. Enabling an active entrepreneurship ecosystem
  4. Defining metrics for African higher education ranking
  5. Faculty development and research

Headline events

- June -

Biennial Convening

The Education Collaborative’s June Convening is the central platform for all stakeholders in African higher-ed to share innovative resources and strategies for the sector’s advancement.

- Quarterly -

Communities of Practice Workshop

Held every quarter, Communities of Practice workgroups leverage members’ collective competencies to deliver practical transformative solutions within their campuses and organizations.

- Annually -

Regional Hub Meeting

Institutions convene in their respective regional hubs across the continent to share lessons and best practices from exemplary models. 



Ongoing Programs

Mentorship & Development

Mentorship and consultative support to develop and institutionalize innovative systems for change

Conferences & Workshops

Virtual and in-person platforms for sharing innovations and strategies among higher-ed stakeholders in Africa

Communities of Practice

Focused workgroups committed to practically exploring innovations in thematic areas of higher education