Career & Employability

Through this focal area, The Education Collaborative builds higher education institutions’ capacityto develop lasting and transformative systems that improve graduate employability outcomes of their students.  


Nine institutions kickoff inaugural Career Services Workshop

Eighteen career development professionals representing nine institutions across Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Rwanda participated in the inaugural Career Strategy Workshop facilitated by the Education Collaborative.

How do we work with you to address gaps?

Systems Change Program – Employability

An Education Collaborative initiative to support higher education institutions in building the systems they need to sustainably improve student employment outcomes. The program’s structure allows designated institutional career leads and assigned mentors to develop and implement holistic systems that support career services and skills development. 

Kepler Soft Skills Program

Upscaling the youth on the continent with the needed skills to thrive in today’s job market is a mission at the heart of many higher education institutions. The Kepler Soft Skills program is an initiative implemented by Kepler College, in partnership with the Education Collaborative to offer trainees 21st century soft skills. 

Career Strategy Workshop 

This initiative empowers participating institutions to develop an effective career services strategy, and structure or review and improve on an existing one. Institutions are guided through a series of activities like needs assessment, goal setting, exploring funding opportunities, and building competence with tools to sustainably drive their student employability outcomes. 

General Engagements and Resources

Join a Community of Practice

Communities of Practice (CoP) are workgroups of educators, administrators, experts, and other stakeholders in Africa’s higher education sector. Members in the CoPs try out innovative models with minimum risk, get access to microgrants, get funding for innovations, and leverage other members’ collective competencies to deliver practical transformative solutions to their campuses and organizations. Engagement is year-round and includes research projects, symposiums, speaker sessions, reflection sessions, program reviews, and new program development.   

Join a CoP 

Join a Speaker Session

The Speaker Series invites thought leaders, practitioners, and educators to share ideas, policies, models, and findings that spark discussions and push for new and improved of doing things. Structured as a colloquium, speakers from an open and unbiased stance will touch on trending issues on entrepreneurship in African higher-ed institutions. The Speaker Series takes place virtually and occurs every quarter. It is open to the public. Do you know a thought leader in career development and graduate employability? Suggest a speaker to feature in our next speaker session.  

Nominate a speaker  

Request unit-specific support 

Facilitating the learning and sharing of best practices, The Education Collaborative provides department-specific support on a need basis. This ranges from career services support for strategic planning and goal setting, improving student employability outcomes as a department and developing institution-wide initiatives that improve career development for students.  

Request Support

Innovation and Proof of Concept Grant

These are small grants offered by The Eduction Collaborative to support qualified and eligible institutions in the network explore, develop, test or improve on innovative ideas that can lead to significant advancements in certain fields of higher education in Africa. The Education Collaborative is constantly looking for institutions in the network who innovate towards achieving our shared goal of transforming 1.1 million ethical entrepreneurial graduates with skills, knowledge, and character to be good citizens and to lead institutions and economies in Africa.

If you have innovative ideas for research, publications, or projects to transform career development in Africa,  submit your concept or idea, and learn how The Education Collaborative can support.

Submit an idea

Share a resource

Get published on The Education Collaborative’s Learning Hub where network members have access to resources. The Education Collaborative provides the space for both virtual and in-person learning, through facilitating mentorship, and learning and sharing of resources within the network. Submit an article, a publication, a guidebook, or a resource that presents ideas on achieving improved employability outcomes in institutions across Africa.  

Share a resource 


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