Presentation and discussion of Exemplar HEI Models 

Entrepreneurship Track Topic: Plenary presentation and discussion of exemplar HEI models  Speakers: Dr. George Njenga, Executive Dean of the Strathmore Business School; Dr. Sena Agbodjah Agyepong, Head of Department of Business Administration, Ashesi University. Moderator: Dr. Gordon Adomdza, Associate Professor, […]

Entrepreneurship Interdependency Factors and Institutional Assessment  

Entrepreneurship Interdependency Factors and Institutional Assessment   Topic: Identification of Entrepreneurship Interdependency Factors: How can HEIs assess the sustainability of their entrepreneurship ecosystem? Speakers: Dr. Henrietta Onwuegbuzie, Director, MBA Programmes, Lagos Business School, Dr. Hala Barakat, Director, Center fo Entrepreneurship and […]