Faculty Exchange and Learning Visits

Ready to elevate your teaching and research through cross-institutional collaboration? 


Expected Outcomes

1. Participating faculty will learn and implement innovative pedagogical practices that will improve teaching quality and transform student experiences.

2. The initiative will facilitate collaboration between member institutions and their faculty on applied research projects, curriculum development, and lesson planning.

These outcomes aim to ensure that the initiative not  not only facilitates faculty development but also contributes to long-term improvements in curriculum design and more effective teaching strategies on the continent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?

Full-time faculty members from member institutions within the West Africa Hub of The Education Collaborative Network.

What does the process cover?

This initiative is a cost-sharing program. Participating institutions will share some of the costs, while The Education Collaborative will cover part of the expenses. The costs associated with participating in the faculty exchange initiative may include flights, local transportation, accommodation, meals, and teaching logistics. The total expenses may vary depending on the country being visited for the faculty exchange. Each institution can access grants of up to $1,500 from The Education Collaborative to help cover these costs. However, if the total budget for the exchange exceeds $1,500, the participant’s institution must be willing to provide additional funding to cover the remaining expenses, as this initiative is a cost-sharing program.  institution can access grants of up to $1,500 to supplement the cost of the exchange.  

How is payment done?

Payments are made to the participant’s institution, who will then disburse the funding to the individual for participation in the faculty exchange. 

What activities are included in the faculty exchange program?

Activities may include in-class sessions/co-teaching and collaborative design and delivery of classes. The primary focus for faculty should be improving the in-class teaching experience, enhancing the curriculum, and fostering collaborative research.

What are the expected outcomes of faculty who participate in this program?

At the end of the week long visit, it is expected that faculty/institutions will present:

  • An engagement report
  • A collaborative research idea, initiative or shared course
  • A revised curriculum based on learnings from the visit
How to Apply

To apply, please send the following documents to Rita at rdugbenu@ashesi.edu.gh copying The Education Collaborative at education.collaborative@ashesi.edu.gh 

  • Expression of Interest: provide a brief statement outlining your interest in the program, your proposed goals for the exchange, and the expected outcomes.
  • Approval letter from the home institution:  The letter should state the awareness of the visit, the goals and outcomes to be achieved, cost-sharing commitment and institutional support that will be provided, and approval to participate in the visit. The institution must confirm that the participant is a full-time faculty.
  • Approval letter from the Host institution: The letter should state the institution’s willingness to host the participant for the visit, the goals and outcomes to be achieved, and institutional support that will be provided.
  • Attach your current resume.

 NB: Each HEI can only have a maximum of two exchanges in one academic year.