As a beneficiary of the Systems Change Program for Employability, Emmanuel Uwihanganye, Director of the Career Development and Guidance Unit at Rwanda Polytechnic, and his team have developed different models to improve the employability of their students. In the video, he highlights their involvement in a systems change program for employability in collaboration with various institutions like Kepler College and Strathmore University. Through mentorship, they developed models for Career Services, learning from diverse institutions and recognizing that one approach doesn’t suit all contexts. Emmanuel emphasizes the importance of learning from different Career Services offices, sharing that this experience has enhanced their professional growth and boosted their confidence to mentor others and implement similar projects in their college and beyond.

The Systems Change Program is an 18-month systems transformation process designed to fundamentally develop the components and structures of key systems that drive outcomes in higher education institutions (HEI).

It combines a systems approach and implementation grant to drive the targeted institutional transformation. The program identifies HEIs as champions for change and takes them through expert training and mentoring, and provides them with funding to improve on and develop new systems within their institution.  

Click here to learn more about the Systems Change Employability – Program.