“Pre-tertiary School Teachers can enhance their skills to improve learning outcomes for high school students with our Critical Thinking Course on the Education Collaborative’s Virtual learning hub”. 

Rose A. Dodd, Director, the Education Collaborative at Ashesi University 

 As part of plans to transform and impact student outcomes at the pre-tertiary level, the Education Collaborative at Ashesi University has developed online modules for training high school teachers to improve instruction at the pre-tertiary level in Ghana. These modules have been made available on the Education Collaborative’s virtual learning hub. 

The learning hub is designed to nurture a community of learners and increase accessibility to best practices on educational administration, teaching and learning for educators across Africa.  

High school students preparing for the rigor of tertiary education and the corporate world will face complex decisions every day. Developing critical thinking skills as opposed to rote learning will heighten their problem-solving ability and make them valuable on the job market. This has prompted the development of the virtual critical thinking training module for high school teachers.  

Participants in this training program will learn strategies and techniques to guide them towards integrating critical thinking in developing their learning materials. This will help them create a challenging and stimulating learning experience for their students. Modules include understanding the principles of critical thinking, developing well-reasoned and supported counterarguments, evaluating the quality of evidence and reasoning, as well as identifying logical fallacies.  

Led by Dr. Takako Mino, Lecturer at Ashesi University, the modules will run asynchronously on the Education Collaborative’s virtual learning hub. High school teachers can access the course regardless of their location and receive training at their own pace. 

Completing this program on the Collaborative’s learning hub will merit a certificate and give participants the capacity to teach the modules to different audiences within their institutions, as well as the tools to tailor the modules where needed. Institutions can pre-register their teams to access the critical thinking course and other online modules made available on the Collaborative’s LMS here