Since 2014, the Practical Education Network (PEN) has equipped over 3000 teachers from remote communities across Ghana, with skills to engage their students in hands-on science learning. In 2020, however, the COVID-19 pandemic brought an indefinite pause to the...
“Pre-tertiary School Teachers can enhance their skills to improve learning outcomes for high school students with our Critical Thinking Course on the Education Collaborative’s Virtual learning hub”. Rose A. Dodd, Director, the Education Collaborative at Ashesi...
The World Bank 2018 World Development Report states that, “Worldwide, hundreds of millions of children reach young adulthood without even the most basic life skills. Even if they attend school, many leave without the skills for calculating the correct change from a...
The teaching and learning of science and mathematics continue to be a challenge for both teachers and students. The lack of practical instruction, materials, and ineffective teaching techniques, leave students with little understanding, and many become disinterested...
Ashesi University, through the Education Collaborative, is exploring a unique way to extend its reach and spread the Ashesi Way to senior high schools. The initiative will leverage on modules from AIX, Ashesi’s leadership core, and Ashesi Success to engage high...