
Impact reports

Convening Reports

Outcomes Reports

Browse through our extensive library and archive of reports documenting events,
workshops and programs within the Education Collaborative calendar.


2022 Report

2022 was a year of significant steps for the Education Collaborative and its partners. From holding our first regional hub convening to expanding our overall reach to 149,000 students, we continued to drive our impact across the region. Our annual report highlights key touch points for the year

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December 2021

Annual Report, 2021

From holding our largest Annual Convening yet, to launching the inaugural regional hub and continuing to support partner institutions to implement and scale quality educational models, 2021 was a year of growth at the Education Collaborative.


31 December 2020


Annual Report, 2020

In the year 2020, we explored innovative ways to advance our transformation goals. Despite disruptions from COVID-19, our engagements and collaborations highlighted the commitment of stakeholders to innovate and lead the change we want to see in Africa’s higher education sector.