Update: Going Virtual with our June Conference

Update: Going Virtual with our June Conference

The COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in many unforeseen repercussions for education worldwide. Schools have been temporarily closed and a majority have switched to online methods and resources to complete the rest of the academic year. The...
Update: Going Virtual with our June Conference

The 2019 Education Collaborative Conference

The 2019 gathering focused on Africa’s growing population and the role of higher education in helping the continent harness this growth for economic gain. Engaging University leaders, faculty and administrators, this year’s convening welcomed 20...
Engaging education stakeholders in Ghana symposium

Engaging education stakeholders in Ghana symposium

The Education Collaborative brought together 100 stakeholders in education for the first edition of the University Stakeholder Symposium themed, Strategizing for the biggest challenge of our time: Population growth

Kepler: Keeping up with Ethics and Values

Kepler: Keeping up with Ethics and Values

Given the chance to choose between and health and wealth, or social responsibility and power which would you choose? Will you prefer to have wealth over health? Is having a sense of social responsibility better than having power? 20 students from Kepler Kiziba refugee...