Annual Report 2022

2022 was a year of significant steps for the Education Collaborative and its partners. From holding our first regional hub convening to expanding our overall reach to 149,000 students, we continued to drive our impact across the region. Our annual report highlights key touch points for the year

190 return to first in-person convening in 3 year



Annual Convening

16 Institutions

Inaugural francophone convening welcomed 16 institutions from across the Sahel region and francophone Africa


76 Participants attend inaugural Easter Regional Hub Convening

76 higher education executives, administrators, and regulators from across East Africa participated in The Education Collaborative’s inaugural East Africa hub convening, engaging one another on improving educational outcomes and scaling quality within the region.


Regional Impact

168 Graduates

completed their undergraduate programs at African Development University (ADU) in Niger.  As one of the first partners to benefit from our mentorship program ADU has worked through several programs at the Education Collaborative geared towards helping them grow the institution’s impact across Eastern Africa.




Through the contributions and support of the Collaborative’s leadership, consulting committee, network members, and other stakeholders, we are steadily deepening collaborations and scaling our impact across Africa. 

–  Rose Dodd, Director, Education Collaborative


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Letter from the Director

Three Communities of Practice (CoPs)

created, establishing four CoPs with a total of 52 members to foster multi-institutional and multi-country innovation

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Mentorship and Development

Ashesi President, Patrick Awuah, highlights Education Collaborative’s role in scaling quality education in Africa

At the first public previewing of Ashesi’s strategic plan for its third decade, Ashesi President, Dr. Patrick Awuah underscored The Education Collaborative’s role in strengthening African higher education through collaboration with other institutions across the continent and a range of initiatives over the next ten years.


Ethics and Leadership

  • A public college of education receive capacity training for 100+ executives, staff, and student leaders on building an ethical campus culture for a student population of 1200. The capacity development was received during mentorship to develop a student-led honour system. One private higher education institution formally adopted an honour system led by the student government. 
  • Three beneficiary institutions of Giving Voice to Values (GVV) train-the-trainer program in 2020 trained additional 185+ individuals on building skills for ethical action in 2021. 
  • 36 employees of a corporate organization received training on building skills for ethical action.

Focal Initiatives

Giving Voice to Values Africa Project

The GVV Africa Project is a two-year program under the Education Collaborative’s ethics and leadership focus area. Led by a team of leaders and professionals within the higher educational space, the program explores the dynamics of values conflicts and how industry professionals can navigate those dynamics.

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Three higher education institutions in West, and East Africa receive mentorship to develop their career and employability systems in the pilot roll-out of the Systems Change Program, with the potential of impacting 50,000+ students over the next five years.


Focal Initiatives

The Systems Change Program- Employability

The Systems Change Program is an 18-month systems transformation process designed to fundamentally develop the components and structures of key systems that drive outcomes in higher education institutions (HEI).


2021 Stories


2022 in Review

In many ways 2022 was an eventful year for us, our partners and our stakeholders. In addition to our key outcomes, here’s a look at some of the stories that helped shape the year.