Annual Convening 2022

Ashesi University , Ghana

Join thought leaders in higher education at the Education Collaborative Annual Convening from June 13 - 17 to share insights on creating innovations for the sector. The 2022 Annual Convening will host a series of roundtable discussions, expert sessions, and workshops to share tools and successful models in the development of entrepreneurship, employability, ethics, and leadership systems. Connect in-person […]

Entrepreneurship Track: Assessing the Agenda of Entrepreneurship Education in Africa- A Synopsis of Continental Conversations in Entrepreneurship

Speakers: Alfred Kitawi, Veronica Ogeto, Leana Kotze The session aims to map out and evaluate the continental discussions around entrepreneurship and how these are translated to regional block conversations and especially within entrepreneurship education. It will examine the discussions from the perspective of critical actors, mechanisms, structures, enablers, disablers, and processes which connect entrepreneurship education […]

Entrepreneurship Track: Roundtable discussions: Contributions and Expectations of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Actors: Boosting Collaborative Relationships

Speakers: Ludovica Ochieng, Dr. Abena Engmann, Kagonya Awori, Nanko Madu, Mercy Kimalat Examine the critical ingredients for creating synergistic innovative capabilities for entrepreneurship sector actors from collaborations within the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Synergistic innovative capability is defined as a higher-order ability to accumulate and deploy new knowledge or to recombine existing knowledge to create innovations more […]

Entrepreneurship Pedagogy Track: Panel discussions & Presentations Part 1: Entrepreneurship Competencies that Matter: Stories from Alumni Entrepreneurs

Speakers: Alois Mhundwa, Didintle Moreki, Edith Njage The session will explore the fundamental traits of start-up entrepreneurs that business angels consider in funding. The goal is to identify these traits to help higher-ed institutions integrate them into teaching entrepreneurship that prepares funder-ready graduates. Two business angels from across the continent will be invited to discuss […]

Entrepreneurship Pedagogy Track: Panel discussions & Presentations Part 2: Funder-ready-Entrepreneurs: A Conversation with Angel Investors

Speakers: Dr. Priya Iyer, Abu Cassim, Sewu-Steve Tawia The session will explore the fundamental traits of start-up entrepreneurs that business angels consider in funding. The goal is to identify these traits to help higher-ed institutions integrate them into teaching entrepreneurship that prepares funder-ready graduates. Two business angels from across the continent will be invited to […]

Entrepreneurship Track: Testing the pulse of entrepreneurship ecosystems in African higher educational institutions: a proposed diagnostic model.

Speakers: Dr. Sena Agbodjah, Dr. William Murithi, AnnStella Gakii, Elorm Dela-Brown Higher educational institutions (HEIs) across the African continent have been teaching entrepreneurship and training entrepreneurs for decades. Different institutions have tackled this by creating renditions of entrepreneurship ecosystems that serve their needs, fit within the confines of their constraints, and help them achieve their […]