Atelier de stratégie de carrière

Optimizing Career Services for Strong Student Employability Outcomes.

September 30 – October 2, 2024
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


The career strategy workshop assists career services departments across Higher Education institutions in Africa to develop a comprehensive strategy to foster career readiness among students. The sessions are practical, offering a structured framework for enhancing existing career centers or starting new ones. Post workshop, institutions receive guidance, resources, and support to develop, and refine their career strategies.

Ce à quoi il faut s'attendre

Needs Assessment and Goal Setting

Through a baseline survey, participating institutions will be guided through identifying gaps and determining focal points for setting strategic goals.

Strategy Development and Implementation

Career guidance experts will assist institutions in developing a 5-year strategic plan and outline next steps for implementation.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Post-workshop, institutions will receive support in tracking progress and evaluating outcomes.  

Why Participate?

  • Receive expert guidance and mentorship to develop your career services center or begin one from scratch.
  • Access relevant resources, best practices, and case studies on exemplary career centers across the African continent.
  • Network with other institutions with similar goals to grow and learn together.
  • Receive ongoing support and feedback to develop your career departments long-term.

How Institutions are leveraging learnings from the workshop

Ho Technical University equips 500 Students with Career ready Skills

Following the Career Strategy Workshop, Ho Technical University’s goals were to establish a dedicated career services unit, separate from their counseling unit, refining and implement a soft skills training program while digitalizing the internship process. Lire la suite

Higher Education Institutions who have participated so far

Students estimated to be Impacted

Do You Have Questions? Cliquez ici to find answers to the most common questions on the Career Strategy Workshop.


Ho Technical University Hosts Inaugural Career Fair Supported by The Career Fair Initiative

Université technique de Ho achieved a significant milestone in student development with its first-ever career fair with support from The Education Collaborative’s Career Fair Initiative. The event brought together 16 companies from sectors including banking, telecommunications, and recruitment

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L'Université technique d'Accra lance un centre de développement de carrière et de compétences : une étape importante dans l'autonomisation des étudiants

Université technique d'Accra (ATU), in collaboration with La collaboration en éducation et AFOS Foundation, has launched a Career and Skills Development Centre. The centre focuses on providing over 11,000 students with job-ready and practical skills while promoting a transformational educational experience beyond the classroom.

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Neuf institutions lancent leur premier atelier sur les services d'orientation professionnelle

Eighteen career development professionals representing nine institutions across Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Rwanda participated in the inaugural Career Strategy Workshop facilitated by the Education Collaborative.

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