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How to get students job-market ready amid the COVID-19 pandemic
Type: Video
Focus: Employability & Career Development

Episode 1: Ashesi University Career Services on how to students job-market ready amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Ashesi University Career Services team shares how the department managed the challenges they faced during COVID-19 and how the department solved these challenges. In this video, they explain the strategy they adopted to prepare final year students/graduates to transition into the corporate world, given the changing needs of the job market in the pandemic, while providing insights on adding significant value to programming around career student development.

Episode 2: Ashesi University Career Services on how to students job-market ready amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Ashesi University Career Services team shares how the department managed the challenges they faced during COVID-19 and how the department solved these challenges. Episode two zooms into specific aspects of career programming: Giving students experiential learning opportunities and Helping final-year students to transition to the corporate world. The team shares how other career service departments can adopt them to improve their student career programming.