After two years of holding the Annual Convening virtually, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2022 Education Collaborative, scheduled from the 13th to 17th of June will not only welcome participants back in-person, but through a hybrid model, will also offer virtual access to allow more people and institutions to participate. 

“Organizing the Annual Convening virtually gave us the opportunity to engage more institutions across Africa to navigate context-specific challenges connected to the continent,”  shared Rose Dodd, Director of The Education Collaborative. “The Convening has been an avenue to build institutional capacity, through learning and sharing best practices even virtually. This year, we are adopting a hybrid model, acknowledging the opportunities that going virtual gave us but also re-connecting in person to facilitate deeper relationship building, and exposure to different cultures and learning environments. I look forward to seeing everyone together again and to hosting colleagues from over 23 countries and 60 higher-ed sector organizations this June.”

For five years running, the Annual Convening has provided learning opportunities for participants to create innovations for Africa’s higher-ed sector. Through workshops, sharing lessons and case studies, participants learn strategies they can leverage in their institutions, develop a transformation mandate for implementation post-Convening and build resourceful connections to lead this transformation. 

“We have opportunities for higher-ed leaders, regulators, policymakers, faculty and researchers to become part of the agenda to drive positive outcomes in higher education and to transform Africa,” shared  Lizzie Chongoti, Director, East Africa Regional Hub, The Education Collaborative.

“This Convening comes at a time when institutions are grappling with issues of how to prepare graduates for the world of work which is changing dramatically,”  Prof. Robert Gateru, Vice-Chancellor, Riara University “The Convening is a hands-on one, seeking to share what has worked in higher-ed institutions in Africa, what challenges they have faced and how they can overcome those challenges. Participants will receive insight, tools, and cases that they can apply in their institutions and measure progress at the next convening. No one institution can produce the entire workforce for the continent. The more we work together, the better for higher education and our students.”

Under the theme “Building the capacity of institutions to improve African higher-ed outcomes,” the 2022 Convening will be anchored along four main tracks, including Ethics and Leadership Development, Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development, Career and Employability Systems Development and Entrepreneurship Pedagogy.  Riara University in Kenya will lead the Employability Track, Botho University in Botswana will lead the Entrepreneurship Pedagogy Track, iBizAfrica, Strathmore University in Kenya will lead the Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Track and Ashesi University in Ghana, will lead the Ethics and Leadership Track.

“The Convening will focus on ethics and leadership development, employability, entrepreneurship, and pedagogy development,” shared Stephen Gyan, Program Coordinator, The Education Collaborative.

“The sessions allow participants to identify gaps and areas where partnerships can help them to continue to build quality in their institutions. With help from the Post-Convening grant, participants can also receive funding support to implement their learnings when they get back to their institution.”

The convening will also feature in-person sessions, hands-on workshops, and plenary sessions and provide opportunities for university leaders to network and project launches from participating institutions. 

To join us for the convening, click to register