World Youth Skills Day underscores the importance of empowering young people to shape their futures through employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship. Across Africa, where a burgeoning youth population, estimated to  reach 2.5 billion people according to the United Nations,  presents immense potential, fostering leadership and entrepreneurial skills is essential. 

Since its inception in 2017, The Education Collaborative has  been at the forefront of this effort, bringing together leading African institutions to create a collaborative ecosystem for skill development.

“We have one bold vision, and it’s a very bold vision: Increased ethical entrepreneurial graduates with skills, knowledge and character to be good citizens and to lead institutions and economies in Africa,” shared Rose Dodd, Executive Director of the Education Collaborative. “Broadly, the products of higher education in Africa should be ready with the required skills, the required character, the ability, the passion for going into government, the public sector, the private sector, starting their businesses and driving the continent’s developments. We want to get ahead of it and not chase after it so that we can shape the way we want Africa to develop.” 

On World Youth Skills Day, we highlight ways we are driving impact along with our partners institutions in bridging youth skills gaps

Building Employable Graduates: A Collaborative Model for Soft Skills Development

Employer feedback over the years has prompted higher education leaders to introspect on their role in preparing graduates for the workforce. A common concern raised by industries is the lack of soft skills among graduates. In response, Kepler College, a private tertiary institution in Rwanda, has established the Kepler Soft Skills Center, focusing on communication, technology competency, and professionalism. The center aims to cultivate punctuality, timely task completion, professional writing, and integrity.
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Diving deeper into opportunities for collaboration: University of Embu forges a path

In 2023, the University of Embu emerged as the best-performing public corporation in Kenya according to a government-issued performance contracting report. From a student population of 123 in 2013, the university has grown to over 11,000 students, garnering recognition as one of the most respected institutions in the country. Despite this success, the university leadership identified a key area for improvement: fostering ethical and entrepreneurial graduates. Read More

Accra Technical University Launches a Career and Skills Development Centre: A Milestone in Student Empowerment

Accra Technical University (ATU) has launched a Career and Skills Development Centre to provide students with job-ready and practical skills while also promoting a transformational educational experience beyond the classroom. Established in collaboration with the AFOS Foundation for Entrepreneurial Development and the Education Collaborative, the centre is geared to serve as a hub for comprehensive career assistance, skills development, mentorship, and industry relationships. Read More